Weekend Wrapup

Daddy is home! He traveled for many hours and arrived home at around 6 tonight. The family is reunited.

This week, I have a business trip to San Francisco from Tuesday-Thursday night. Then we leave for PA on Friday for a long weekend. Then next Tuesday we leave for Hawaii! We are all excited.

The girls were very helpful today and let me go running for an hour. A had tea parties with N and M called me mid-run to ask how to warm up a baba.

We also had a nice visit with Aunt Jan, who was in town for the weekend. 

Yesterday we did a lot of school supply shopping, and got the girls new sneakers and new cleats for A. Their room is slowly coming together but we still have to move a lot of stuff back down from the attic. 


My favorite memories of the weekend: A's big smile at discovering soccer cleats that feel good (I guess an extra $20 makes a difference); M&A's fun time swimming with Alida yesterday at the CCC; and N's walking Lucky with me several times pushing Elmo in the stroller (and once wearing his pajamas).

We won't discuss the Nats – too painful.

Off to bed.

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