Weekend Wrapup

It has been a very long weekend and I am very tired and it is very late, so here is a quick post that isn't going to do the weekend justice.

The girls had ballet rehearsal and apparently the woman in charge of clowns yelled at everyone yesterday but was much happier today. 

We carved the girls' pumpkins:


We haven't carved N's yet.

A;s team had a good soccer game Saturday morning – won 4-1.

Stupid Giants won two World Series games.

The girls worked on Halloween costumes with Ellie – Ellie is Earth, M is Wind, and A is Fire.

We went to the Fall Festival. The girls enjoyed going through the Haunted House and saying hi to their classmates who were staffing the haunted house. Not so scary when you hug the ghosts and say hello to the scary bodies on the floor.

Nay Nay had an impromptu playdate with the sons of some people we know at the playground today.

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N loves to say "Don't let the bedbugs bite", especially because that is something Ruby says to Max on TV.

N loves his Dagim photo book with pictures of all of his classmates. He also likes to spell out the letters in their names.

A has made two campaign posters and M has made one. I will take pictures of them before they go off to school. Elections are on 11/4.

Daddy is en route to Pakistan and China – he will be back on Friday.

M is obsessed with a new typing program that she has been doing at school.

OK, that's the update! More tomorrow.


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