Weekend Wrapup

Whew. What a weekend. Here is what happened.

American Idol doubleheader Friday night

Ballet class

N haircut

Impromptu playground date with Charlotte and Emily

Sleepover at Katie's for M

Sleepover at Aicha's for A

Both girls saw The Muppet Movie

Dinner with N and us

Wakeup for N

Pickup M

Pickup A

Off to Sunday School

Home from Sunday School

Girls to Charlotte's house to make tshirts for the Fictionistas

M to baseball

A & me to take Lucky to vet for nail trim

M home



AMAZING RACE ALL STARS RIGHT NOW. Here are our favorite teams – 1) Daddy: Afghanimals; 2) M: father/son who had the Achilles heel injury; 3) A: Nadia/Natalie; 4) Me: Flight Time and Big Easy

It has been quite a weekend.

Tomorrow we have parent-teacher conferences and the girls have no school, AGAIN.

My favorite memories from the weekend: N putting a diaper doubler on his kangaroo, the girls' cute t-shirts for Fictionistas, hearing from the girls last night during their sleepovers, N being such a good boy during dinner.




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