Weekend Wrapup

Fun weekend! The girls had an especially social and varied weekend. On their agenda: a 6-hour birthday party for Julia at the Aveda Institute downtown (hair, pedicures, makeup); book club (A); baseball clinic (M); Sunday School; and no ballet class due to said party. They also slept in VERY late both mornings – clearly they are going to sleep too late!

N did some new stuff this weekend. He discovered the fun of stickers, especially letter stickers. I am so happy that I have a little boy who will sit at the table for 30 minutes doing stickers. He can't do it by himself (he can't peel the stickers off himself) but he really enjoyed sticking the stickers on the paper. He also did some crayons and drawing.

Thankfully N's diaper rash is better, due to a visit to the pediatrician yesterday and some prescription Butt Balm.

I am starting a new job tomorrow and have mixed emotions about it. I am looking forward to it but am sad to be out of the house the whole day. N is used to me being home and I have picked up the girls at school a lot these last 4 months, so this is a bit of a shock to the system again. Just have to get used to it.

Grandma is here for the Golden Globes and it has been a fun (if long) night! More tomorrow!

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