Welcome Sydney Deanna!

Aunt Darrah and Uncle Jason had their baby this morning! Welcome to Sydney Deanna, who was born this morning at around 6 AM. Darrah had a tough labor, and she's very tired today, but they are all doing OK. Sydney was 6 pounds 13 ounces.

We can't wait to meet her!

In non-new cousin news, we had a busy Saturday. We went to ballet, then to a used book sale, where the girls got a lot of chapter books, including some from the Ramona series, some from the Little House in the Prairie series, and some from the Judy Blume Fudge books. M also picked out, randomly, a picture book about Normandy and could not be convinced to put it back.

Then to Trader Joe's and other boring errands, and then home to meet Daddy. Daddy is leaving tonight for 3 nights and sadly missing the Lafayette auction.

So I am posting now since I will be out tonight.

Congratulations to Aunt Darrah and Uncle Jason!

1 comment

a says:

Congratulations to the whole Feldman-plus family! How wonderful to have another little girl join the ranks. M and A must be thrilled. They have another cousin. Good luck to Darrah and Jason on the birth of Sydney Deanna.
Aunt Ann

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