Wet Diapers

I think N may be entering the Terrible Twos. He has been irrationally cranky the last day or so. Lots of fussing and crying and putting his foot down about doing things. He's also hardly eating. This morning he woke up at 5:55 with an extremely wet diaper. I tried to change him and he freaked out, and insisted I put his wet diaper back on. (Yuck!) Finally he realized that he was still uncomfortable and let me put on a clean one. He did eventually go back to sleep til 9. 

Tonight I rotated a lot of the books from downstairs to upstairs. He was so excited by all the fresh books by the couch – he sat and looked at them for about 25 minutes while I did homework with the girls.

Daddy is en route back home from the airport – yay! That was a ridiculously quick trip.

This week the girls are working on their animal pages for the state reports. A is doing a moose and M is doing a black bear. And M got some stuff in the mail from West Virginia today, so she was happy.


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