
We had a jam-packed day today, with a lot going on.

Girls woke up, and then we went to gymnastics. It was the end of a session so there was a medal ceremony today. Careful readers of the P&B blog will remember what happened at the last medal ceremony. Today wasn’t any better. A refused altogether to get up on the stand to get her medal, and M stood up there for all of 5 seconds, and only holding my hand. But we had a nice time with Aidan and Aidan and Olivia and their parents. I will upload some pictures tomorrow.

After gymnastics we went to the library to return books, and took out a whole bunch of new ones, including several about the circus, which we’re seeing next Sunday. Then it was off to one of Mommy’s favorite places: a used book sale. M came with me to look at adult books – she helped me put the ones I wanted into a bag, and also pointed out books I already had at home. Then we met Daddy and A at the children’s section and bought a whole bunch of books (all $1 or $2). Lots of good ones, including a new ballet school book, because god knows we don’t have enough of those.

Then we came home. Nap. After nap, 2 things happened: Ale (from their class) came over for a playdate, and two 14-year old twin girls who live on the corner and want to babysit also came over. Yes, 14-year old twin girls who live on the corner and want to babysit. Are there 14 better words in the English language? The prospective babysistters came over and entertained all three girls for an hour during the playdate, which was especially nice because it was a dropoff playdate. All went well.

Then Imogene came over to babysit because tonight was nursery school auction night. Despite bidding on a bunch of things, we left with only two: a gift certificate to one of those places where you go and assemble meals, and the class art project. This isn’t any ordinary class art project – this is a very cool Warholesque colorful painting with lots of pictures of the kids in the class on it. And the kids all helped make it. Parents from other classes kept saying they wanted to bid on it, even though their kids weren’t in it – *that’s* how nice it is.

We got into a bidding war with the other twin mom from the class… a war which I won at the last moment because Daddy suggested a much smaller incremental increase over the last bid, and the accepted it. So we won it. It’s beautiful and I am very happy.

Long day… but good day. Tomorrow I will post lots of photos.


Anonymous says:

Mommy and Daddy, you both amaze me with all you do with and for the girls. They are lucky kids. Can’t wait to see the photos tomorrow. Thanks again for your fascinating blogs.

Aunt Darrah says:

Hey, just catching up on the blog here! I love the Warhol piece. What do you mean about a place where you go to assemble meals??

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