What a Thursday!

 What a day. We had two very secial activities with two very special grandparents.

First, it was Special Visitors Day at TSNS. Buppie came to the school, saw the girls' classroom, and came to a special Music-With-Sally singalong. We all had fun and the girls loved having Buppie there. Many photos below, thanks to Buppie. Itook several myself but I haven't uploaded them yet.

Then, tonight, we went to a special VIP event at the circus tonight with Grampy. Because I am such an important member of the DC mom blogger community, I was offered free tickets to the circus, as well as the chance to go to a special event beforehand to meet some of the performers and check out the floor of the circus before the show. The girls met some dancers and clowns, and saw a man on stilts and an elephant close up. They were very excited and a little bit overwhelmed. They also loved being with Grampy, who walked around with M on his shoulders for a while so that she could see better.

We stayed for about an hour, until the first intermission. By then, it was 8:30 and the girls were veyr tired, and A was crying that she wanted to go home. But when we got home, they became obsessed with the programs that came in our gift bags, and they loved reading them. We have tickets to the circus on Sunday afternoon as well (free tickets in our office's box), which we may or may not use. The girls say now that they don't want to go back on Sunday, but they may change their minds.

Here are some pics from Special Visitors Day.

M showing off her cubby:


M and A showing the job chart:


M taking pictures:


Me and A:


Me and M and A:


A in the little kitchen:


The four of us:


M taking more photos:

IMG_0287  IMG_0288    IMG_0289 

At the singalong with Jessica, Maya and Vivian.


1 comment

Ann brooks says:

The photos are really great. M and A look darling, and the photos with you and with Buppie are wonderful too. I love them all. Lucky girls got to meet some important people and animals at the circus.
Aunt Ann

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