Wow, what a weekend. It was jam=packed with a wide variety of activities. We're all exhausted!
Here's how it went down…
On Friday, the girls were home from school, so we went to N's Hanukah party. I think he was really excited that we were there. So cute. He had a lot of fun with his classmates Carter and Carolyn, with lots of group hugs that ended up with the three of them on the floor.
The girls had piano lessons at Grandma Sandy's house in the afternoon, then M went off to ballet and Grandma Dina and Grandpa Ron arrived from PA. We had a nice dinner here at home.
Saturday: A came to bootcamp with me, which was really fun for me. We came home and M went off to ballet and Daddy, Grandma and Grandpa went to Glen Echo to see a puppet show – "The Nutcracker". Meanwhile A and I wrapped gifts at Politics & Prose with Grandma Sandy, which was fun.
A had the brilliant idea to cut samples of all the paper available and tape them to the side of the table.
Saturday night, Grandma and Grandpa took the girls downtown for the Nutcracker. M performed and A watched the show with them. Then they went out to dinner at Chef Geoff's.
Today was another crazy day! We woke up and celebrated Hanukah early with Grandma and Grandpa. We lit candles and exchanged some presents. Then it was off for N's first soccer practice! It was cute and he did well for his first day.
After soccer we raced home, picked up the girls early at Sunday School, and went to a Hillary fundraising event. I finally met Hillary, which of course the girls had done before! She gave Daddy a big hug and even mentioned him in her remarks! She answered questions from the kids there, including one from A, who asked her what she would do as soon as she got into the White House. It was a great event and we will have a family photo soon!
After the event, we came home and M headed downtown for her show and Daddy went for a run. A and N and I went to the Campers' Hanukah party, where M and Daddy eventually met us. And then tonight we celebrated Hanukah here! Here are the presents before the first round was opened:
Here's what we opened tonight:
N: a dinosaur pillow pet (from M) and pajamas and bubble bath solution from Daddy and me
A: joint present with M – 2 dresses and a subscription to a bath product site that sends a quarterly box of cool stuff
M: joint present with A – 2 dresses and some clothes of her own – dress, pants and sweater
Daddy: an awesome assortment of Keurig coffee pods from A and a hat for running that lights up.
OMG MUST GO TO BED! But one N anecdote: yesterday he said, "Mommy, when I am older, will I be big enough to touch the sky?" I said he'd be bigger, yes. He said, "I will be so tall, like a house, and people will want to come into me!"