What a Weekend!

We had a very full and fun weekend. Here is what happened:

On Friday, Daddy took the girls in the afternoon to the National Museum of American History. They saw the First Ladies' Dresses, the ruby slippers from The Wizard of Oz, and a number of other exhibits that they enjoyed a lot. I will post some pics from their excursion later in the post!!

Friday night, we stayed in and watched American Idol and Daddy went to a birthday party.

On Saturday, we got a bunch of things done here in the house – cleaning up, trying on clothes I had ordered for the girls, getting caught up on stuff. Daddy took little N to the hardware store, which he enjoyed a lot. M had her first baseball practice of the season and had a few good hits. She really needs to work on catching pop flies (as do the rest of the Giants). A and I stayed after the practice and sent a bunch of pop flies in her direction so that she could work on catching. (A spent the practice on the playground and reading Harry Potter III.)

On Saturday night, Emily Ellis came to babysit! We just adore her. She is so great with N, and the girls love talking ballet with her. Apparently she emailed Maki Onuki a photo of A wearing Maki's toe shoes. I have to get a copy of that. When Daddy and I came home, we detained Emily for another 40 minutes or so asking her questions about being in the ballet and some of the inner workings backstage. It was really fun.

Here's what Daddy and I did: we are doing the 2013 Washington Post 40 Eats Challenge, where we are going to try to eat each  the 40 recommended eats for the Washington area in 2013, compiled by the Washington Post's Going Out Guide. We started by going to a neighborhood we'd never been to – Barracks Row on Capitol Hill. It was great! The recommended eat this time was homemade pop tarts at a restaurant called Ted's Bulletin. There was such a long line at Ted's for dinner that we ended up getting the pop tarts to go and eating at a Greek mezze restaurant. A delicious dinner and a GREAT dessert (though Daddy didn't like it as much as I did). We are psyched to try the remaining 39!

Then today, I woke up at 5:30 to head downtown for the Cherry Blossom 10-miler. I am pleased to report that my time was the same as my pre-Nate 10-miler time, and I found the race really fun to run. Yay! I am tired today but so glad that I ran it. It was so cold this morning that the blossoms hadn't opened yet, which is a bummer because one of the great things about the Cherry Blossom 10-miler is that you get to run through a beautiful canopy of cherry blossoms without having to contend with other visitors (except the other 15,000 runners).

This afternoon the girls went on a playdate with Alida, and then another one with Emily, who is back from NY. I took N to the grocery store and then on a long walk with my friends Sarah and Amy in Rock Creek Park. I didn't really need to go on a long walk after the long run, but it was fine and a beautiful day. N enjoyed it too, though he got a little grumpy at the end, probably due to the poop he was sitting on.

Full, fun weekend. Back to school tomorrow! Boo. Plus the girls have dentist appointments first thing, so they will be late for school. Back to the routine, lunches, ballet, homework. Bleh.

Ok, here are some museum pics:








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