What Was In The Water This Weekend?

I am not sure what was going on this weekend, but the girls were HYPER. And very active. And needing lots of attention. We were home a lot and spent all weekend with them (except for going to the movies last night), so it's not like we weren't giving them attention. They were just bouncing off the walls.

Today they had rehearsal for an hour (there didn't seem to be any ramifications for skipping; Mr. Webre saw them today and said "Good job girls!") and then we had book club in the afternoon. They have had a lot of opportunities to blow off steam this weekend, but none of them depleted the girls' energy!

As a result, we are very tired.

But the girls are extremely cute and entertaining, so while a little trying, they are still totally enjoyable.

M has misplaced her current book and she is very upset.

This week, the girls are doing their wax museum performances – A is Ruby Bridges and M is Katherine Dunham – and they are working on their speeches and costumes. M will wear her Spanish dancer dress, which could pass for Carribbean. I just sewed up a long tear in the hem, so she will look presentable! A wants to wear a white dress and braid her hair, so she will look like this:


Maybe she will even be convinced to wear sneakers.

I am traveling this week – Tuesday night til Thursday – but will be back in time for their performances on Friday. Looking forward to them!

Signing off…

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