What We Do At Camp

M & A are helping me write this post.

Here is a typical day at camp:

We get out of the car and Mommy sprays us with sunblock.

Then we walk into the CLK3 classroom. Mommy leaves.

The first thing we do is art projects. One of the teachers rings the bell like this: "ding!"

Then we have Morning Meeting.  We talk about what we're going to do for projects and what we're going to do today.

We play a little bit and then we wash our hands and have snack time. Snack is apples, pretzels, cereal bars and water. On Water Day we have popsicles.

After snack we go play on the playground. That's fun.

And then we go back inside the classroom and cool off and read a little story.

Then we have lunchtime.

Then we have Noontime Program. They have little plays and the first one is the longest.

In the same room as Noontime Program we have movement. It's the gym. (M: It's not really movement, we just play a lot, with balls and hula hoops). There are basketball nets in there too.

Then it's naptime. It's really rest time. M slept one time.

Then we go back on the playground.

Then we go home.

What a long day!

Question for the girls: do you like your lunches? A: Yes. M: I ate pretty much all today.

A: "Right now we are eating rice crackers that are going crunchy crunch crunch."

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