Where Else Would A Tall Person Live?

The girls are still talking about the woman on stilts that we saw at the Purim party today. A said, "I know where she lives! The Washington Monument!"

With the exception of bedtime tonight, when A got mad at Daddy and said she only wanted to talk to me, both girls were total sweethearts today. I am amazed by the transformation of A from a few months ago  until now. There hasn’t been a tantrum in recent memory and she’s been very sweet and cooperative. I told her the other day that she was nothing but sweetness.

M is limping on her foot again. This is not the first time that has happened. We’ll keep an eye on it.

Too tired for more.

1 comment

Anonymous says:

I love reading about the girls and what they are up to. I hope M’s limping is “nothing”. Give them my love.

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