Cherry Blossom Weekend

Whew….. what a weekend. We are all exhausted!!!

Yesterday I took the girls to gymastics and then to get new sandals for the summer. They picked the same pair, which they don't often do, and which is a bit of headache. But it's a cute pair. After, we went to a very short Teddy Bear concert at the Kennedy Center, and then to drive around the Cherry Blossoms. It was SO unbelievably crowded downtown, but the trees were gorgeous. Here is a photo taken from the car:


Finally, dinner at the pizza place – Potomac Pizza, not to be confused with Comet Pizza, which had a 40 minute line at 6 PM. I hate that place.

Today was a long day. I started it early by running the Cherry Blossom 10 miler this morning with Grampy. He picked me up at 6:10 AM, so I am tired today. But it was a beautiful day for a race and we both finished. Daddy made waffles with the girls and took them for a playdate with a friend from TSNS to Candy Cane Park. Then this afternoon the girls and I did some "visiting" in the neighborhood – went to see a few people (Laurie, Mary, and Daddy's cousin Lorraine). Came home for bath, and then went to see the ballet version of Peter Pan. The girls really enjoyed it. It was clever and fun and only two hours long, start to finish. Though they did have some questions about the plot – why are pirates mean to nice people and nice to mean people? Why did they tie up Wendy and the two boys? Was Captain Hook really trying to hurt them? We explained over and over that it is a story and isn't real. Thankfully Buppie warned us about some loud cannnonball sounds that happened during the ballet, so we were prepared.

Here are some pics of the girls on the balcony of the Kennedy Center:

KC1  KC2

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