Wii Fit

I got home from work tonight early, and because we did homework last night, we had a nice long open night. I told the girls we should do something special and gave them two choices: watercolors or Wii, which M is always begging me to play. The answer was fast and unanimous: Wii. A said, "We can do watercolors another time, like maybe on our birthday." I said that that was too far away, and she said, "Well, maybe next month, when the weather is bad and we want to stay in our house and do cozy things."

So we played a few hours of Wii. Boxing, baseball, tennis, hula hooping, and bubble balancing. It was a lot of fun. Daddy made it home before bedtime and we played with him too. Late bath, slightly late bedtime.

1 comment

a says:

It was good to read that all of you have fun together. (Sorry — can’t write more.)
Aunt Ann

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