Writer’s Workshop

This morning, I volunteered in M's class for Writer's Workshop. I got to help some of her classmates with their personal narratives, which is this month's writing assignment. I did the "adult conference", where I read over the kids' drafts and made edits and corrections. Then I got to do a "pencil edit" of a few kids' narratives, which means I read their final version and make suggestions for changes that can be made with a simple eraser. I got to pencil edit M's narrative! She wrote about the day that N was born, which of course made me cry. So sweet.

Daddy is in NY tonight. I am going up tomorrow to join him overnight to celebrate our anniversary. Sadly, it is supposed to rain all day.

A had Notebusters today. Songs today included Beat It, Thriller, Man in the Mirror, Ben, One Moment in Time, Greatest Love of All, The Way You Make Feel. "A lot of songs for only two weeks," says A.

Here is N in the bath tonight. He was just so cute and smiley I had to take some pictures.


And I squeezed his legs into the Bumbo seat tonight. I am not sure whether he liked it or not:



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