
Dramatic day today.

After camp, M limped home, saying that her foot hurt. She had fallen when she got off the monkey bars and her foot was increasingly in pain. She couldn’t really walk. After nap, she was even worse. So I took her to Nighttime Pediatrics to get an x-ray. She was a very good girl there… she didn’t complain at all even though she was pretty uncomfortable during the x-ray. She now has a printout of her foot bones, which she likes a lot (and showed to the receptionist on the way out). Luckily, nothing broken or fractured.

Poor A went to the first day of ballet class for the summer only to sit around with Imogene (and Buppie!) waiting for the new teacher, who never showed. I was at the doctor’s with M for a few hours so she and Imogene hung out a lot. Imogene said that A was in the bath for an hour.

Lots of funny comments today – god, I wish I had written them all down. Here are a few:

I got some clothes in the mail today from a catalog. I put them on for M: "Look, M, what do you think
of this shirt? It’s a double t-shirt." She said, "HIGH FIVE!" Then I put on a long sweater. She said, "That IS a long sweater. I like all of it except the long part." Then she said, "Mommy, what is ‘oh brother?"

A is wearing my t-shirt again as a nightgown.

1 comment

Christina says:

Glad to hear that M is ok. You should have called us and I would have sent Mikey over to entertain the girls!

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