Yesterday’s Photos… Tomorrow

Yesterday, Grandma Sandy and Tequila stopped over after work. Grandma Sandy sent me a bunch of photos, but I saved them on my work laptop, and now I am home on the home laptop, and I can't upload them. Sorry, Grandma Sandy! I will upload them tomorrow.

When I got home today, A was very unhappy. She said that she didn't like the Shrinky Dinks that she got for her birthday, that M's were so much better. M saved the situation by sharing her "better" Shrinky Dinks with A. That was nice. It didn't last forever, but it was nice.

The girls have two "trips" this week. One is a real trip, to the White House on Friday. Rumor is that Michelle will be there. The other is to the "DC Theater Cafe" tomorrow, which A has assured me twice is at Lafayette. I think she's right, because I didn't sign a permission slip for it. I AM supposed to send $3 for "snacks" though. Odd.

M has been trying hot lunch every few days, but she hasn't liked any of them. A told us tonight she wanted to buy milk tomorrow. Daddy asked, "Chocolate milk or regular milk?". She paused and said, "I will have to think about that." (That means chocolate milk.)

M has been taking tons of photos with her new camera.

Tonight M snuggled next to me and read a book, by herself, silently. What a big girl. A meanwhile "read" a book by narrating it (not reading it) in song, out loud. Classic!

The weather has been cold and rainy the last few days, and we're hoping it will be sunny tomorrow so the girls can go to tennis.

OK, more photos tomorrow – from yesterday and Grandma Sandy's photos from the ballet recital.

1 comment

a says:

I hope the girls enjoy their school trips. It’s wonderful that M read a book by herself. It’s also great that M shared her “better” Shrinky Dinks with A. It’s so nice when family share things and seem to get aong so well. Lucky mom and dad to have such girls.
Aunt Ann

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