Yoga Party and Neon Tetras

The girls had a nonstop day today. They are now sitting on the couch with me and Daddy watching "High School Musical 3". They are totally rapt.

Ballet this morning. Then home, and then we went shopping for some birthday presents for Imogene. We got her some workout gear from New Balance. Then it was off to a yoga birthday party for Lily. It seems like it was a good party, although A was on the verge of tears when I went to pick them up (something about M hitting her with a hula hoop and her friend Hannh not conceding that A had the fanciest yoga mat). That passed quickly. We hung out and went to the playground for a while, and then did something we've been toying with for a while – bought some more fish for the tank. We got 4 neon tetras, which look very cool in the tank. So far, they've acclimated nicely. They look totally the same, so we named them 1,2,3 and 4, which we will use interchangeably!

Signing off until Oscar Sunday…


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