Yom Kippur

Today was the first time the girls went to services without us. They went to a grade 3-5 service while we went to the adult morning service. They said it was boring.

They also fasted for much of the day, having only a snack in the mid-afternoon. Tonight we went to two break-fasts – one at Grandma Sandy's friend Ellie's and one at M&A friend Ellie's.

Both girls have finished their book reports!! That's a relief for everyone in the house.

N isn't napping much during the day but he is sleeping through the night beautifully. On Erev Yom Kippur last year, we found out that I was pregnant. It is amazing to think that one year later, we have this beautiful boy and our lives have changed forever!

So many other cute things today that I can't remember.

May we all be inscribed in the book of life!

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